SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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335 lines
; $Id: read_tiff.pro,v 1.4 1997/04/08 14:36:44 dave Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1991-1997. Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; Read TIFF format images.
; Input/output.
; Result = READ_TIFF(Filename [,R, G, B])
; Filename: A string containing the name of file to read.
; The default extension is ".TIF".
; READ_TIFF returns an 8, 16, or 32-bit array containing the image
; data. The dimensions of the result are the same as defined in the TIFF
; file: [Columns, Rows]. The data type of the image is same as
; the type of samples in the image file.
; For TIFF images that are RGB interleaved by pixel, the output
; dimensions are [3, Cols, Rows].
; For TIFF images that are RGB interleaved by image, on output
; Planarconfig is set to 2, and the result is the integer value
; zero. In this case, three separate images are returned in
; the R, G, and B output parameters.
; R, G, B: Variables to hold the Red, Green, and Blue color vectors
; extracted from TIFF Class P, Palette Color images.
; For TIFF images that are RGB interleaved by image (Planarconfig
; returned as 2) the R, G, and B variables each hold an image
; with the dimensions [Columns, Rows].
; UNSIGNED: If set, return TIFF files containing unsigned 16-bit integers
; as signed 32-bit longword arrays. If not set, return
; a signed 16-bit integer for these files. In this case,
; data values between 32768 and 65535 are returned as
; negative values between -32768 and -1. This keyword
; has no effect if the input file does not contain 16-bit
; integers. To manually convert unsigned 16-bit to 32-bit:
; l32 = long(u16)
; neg = where(l32 lt 0, count)
; if count ne 0 then l32[neg] = 65536 + l32[neg]
; The following keywords are used for output parameters only:
; ORDER: The order parameter from the TIFF File. This parameter is
; returned as 0 for images written bottom to top, and 1 for
; images written top to bottom. If the Orientation parameter
; does not appear in the TIFF file, an order of 1 is returned.
; PLANARCONFIG: This parameter is returned as 1 for TIFF files that are
; GrayScale, Palette, or RGB color interleaved by pixel.
; This parameter is returned as 2 for RGB color TIFF files
; interleaved by image.
; TIFF_COM. Only for internal use.
; A file is read.
; Handles TIFF classes G, P, and R. One image per file.
; Read the file "my.tiff" in the current directory into the variable
; IMAGE, and save the color tables in the variables, R, G, and B by
; entering:
; IMAGE = READ_TIFF("my.tiff", R, G, B)
; To view the image, load the new color table and display the image by
; entering:
; TVLCT, R, G, B
; DMS, Written for VMS in 1985.
; DMS, April, 1991. Rewrote and added class R and P images.
; DMS, Jan, 1992. Fixed bug for images without a RowsPerStrip field.
; DJC, Nov, 1993. Fixed doc header.
; DMS, Dec, 1994. Fixed bug with private tags.
; MWR, Mar, 1995. Fixed bug when opening non-existent file.
; DMS, Aug, 1995. Added support for 16 and 32 bit samples.
; DMS, Aug, 1996. Added UNSIGNED keyword.
; SVP, Jan, 1997. Changed from tiff_read to read_tiff
function tiff_long,a,i,len=len ;return longword(s) from array a(i)
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
if n_elements(len) le 0 then len = 1
if len gt 1 then result = long(a,i,len) $
else result = long(a,i)
if order then byteorder, result, /lswap
return, result
function tiff_rational,a,i, len = len ; return rational from array a(i)
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
if n_elements(len) le 0 then len = 1
tmp = tiff_long(a, i, len = 2 * len) ;1st, cvt to longwords
if len gt 1 then begin
subs = lindgen(len)
rslt = float(tmp[subs*2]) / tmp[subs*2+1]
endif else rslt = float(tmp[0]) / tmp[1]
return, rslt
function tiff_int,a,i, len=len ;return unsigned long int from TIFF short int
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
if n_elements(len) le 0 then len = 1
if len gt 1 then begin ;Array?
result = fix(a,i,len)
if order then byteorder, result, /sswap
result = long(result)
if min(result) lt 0 then begin ;Convert to unsigned from signed 16bit
negs = where(result lt 0)
result[negs] = 65536L + result[negs]
endif else begin ;Scalar
result = fix(a,i)
if order then byteorder, result, /sswap
if result lt 0 then result = 65536L + result
return, result
function tiff_byte, a,i,len=len ;return bytes from array a(i)
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
if n_elements(len) le 0 then len = 1
if len gt 1 then result = a[i:i+len-1] $
else result = a[i]
return, result
function tiff_read_field, index, tag, lun ;Return contents of field index
; On output, tag = tiff tag index.
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
TypeLen = [0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8] ;lengths of tiff types, 0 is null type for indexin
ent = ifd[index * 12: index * 12 + 11] ;Extract the ifd
tag = tiff_int(ent, 0) ;Tiff tag index
typ = tiff_int(ent, 2) ;Tiff data type
cnt = tiff_long(ent, 4) ;# of elements
nbytes = cnt * TypeLen[typ] ;Size of tag field
IF (nbytes GT 4) THEN BEGIN ;value size > 4 bytes ?
offset = tiff_long(ent, 8) ;field has offset to value location
Point_Lun, lun, offset
val = BytArr(nbytes) ;buffer will hold value(s)
Readu, lun, val
CASE typ OF ;Ignore bytes, as there is nothing to do
1: i = 0 ;Dummy
2: val = String(val) ;tiff ascii type
3: val = tiff_int(val,0, len = cnt)
4: val = tiff_long(val,0, len = cnt)
5: val = tiff_rational(val,0, len = cnt)
1: val = ent[8]
2: val = string(ent[8:8+(cnt>1)-1])
3: val = tiff_int(ent,8)
4: val = tiff_long(ent,8)
return, val
function read_tiff, file, r, g, b, order = ord, PlanarConfig = PC, $
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
openr,lun,file, error = i, /GET_LUN, /BLOCK
if i lt 0 then begin ;OK?
if keyword_set(lun) then free_lun,lun
lun = -1
message, 'Unable to open file: ' + file
hdr = bytarr(8) ;Read the header
readu, lun, hdr
typ = string(hdr[0:1]) ;Either MM or II
if (typ ne 'MM') and (typ ne 'II') then begin
message,'READ_TIFF: File is not a Tiff file: ' + string(file)
order = typ eq 'MM' ;1 if Motorola 0 if Intel (LSB first or vax)
endian = byte(1,0,2) ;What endian is this?
endian = endian[0] eq 0 ;1 for big endian, 0 for little
order = order xor endian ;1 to swap...
; print,'Tiff File: byte order=',typ, ', Version = ', tiff_int(hdr,2)
offs = tiff_long(hdr, 4) ;Offset to IFD
point_lun, lun, offs ;Read it
a = bytarr(2) ;Entry count array
readu, lun, a
count = tiff_int(a,0) ;count of entries
; print,count, ' directory entries'
ifd = bytarr(count * 12) ;Array for IFD's
readu, lun, ifd ;read it
; Insert default values:
compression = 1
bits_sample = 1
ord = 1
samples_pixel = 1L
pc = 1
photo = 1
rows_strip = 'fffffff'xl ;Essentially infinity
SampleFormat = 1
for i=0,count-1 do begin ;Print each directory entry
value = tiff_read_field(i, tag, lun) ;Get each parameter
case tag of ;Decode the tag fields, other tags could be added
256: width = value
257: length = value
258: bits_sample = value[0]
259: compression = value
262: Photo = value
273: StripOff = value
274: Ord = value
277: samples_pixel = long(value)
278: Rows_strip = value
279: Strip_bytes = value
284: PC = value
320: ColorMap = value
339: SampleFormat = value
else: value = 0 ;Throw it away
; Do a cursory amount of checking:
if bits_sample eq 8 then type = 1 $ ;Byte type
else if bits_sample eq 16 then type = 2 $ ;Short int type
else if bits_sample eq 32 and SampleFormat le 2 then type = 3 $ ;Long int
else message,'READ_TIFF: only integer format image handled'
if compression ne 1 then $
message,'READ_TIFF: Images must be un-compressed'
if (pc eq 2) and (samples_pixel ne 3) then $
message,'READ_TIFF: RGB data must have 3 SamplesPerPlane'
strips_image = (length + rows_strip -1) / rows_strip
dims = [width, length]
bytes_sample = bits_sample/8
if pc eq 1 then begin ;Planar Config...., simple
if samples_pixel gt 1 then dims = [samples_pixel, dims]
image = make_array(DIMENSION=dims, TYPE=type, /NOZERO)
if strips_image eq 1 then begin ;Quick way?
point_lun, lun, stripoff[0] ;1st image data
readu, lun, image ;Yes....
endif else begin ;1 strip at a time....
for i=0L, strips_image-1 do begin
point_lun, lun, stripoff[i]
if n_elements(tmp)*bytes_sample ne Strip_bytes[i] Then $
tmp = make_array(Strip_bytes[i]/bytes_sample, TYPE=type, /NOZERO)
readu, lun, tmp
image[samples_pixel * width * i * rows_strip] = tmp
if n_elements(ColorMap) gt 0 then begin ;Color map present?
if n_elements(ColorMap) eq 768 then begin
r = ishft(ColorMap[0:255], -8) ;Remove and scale
g = ishft(ColorMap[256:511], -8)
b = ishft(ColorMap[512:767], -8)
endif else message,'READ_TIFF: color map has wrong # of elements'
if order and (bytes_sample eq 2) then BYTEORDER, image, /SSWAP
if order and (bytes_sample eq 4) then BYTEORDER, image, /LSWAP
endif else begin ;PC = 2, = interleaved by image
l = 0
for band = 0,2 do begin ;Read each image
image = make_array(DIMENSION=dims, TYPE=type, /NOZERO)
for i=0L, strips_image-1 do begin
point_lun, lun, stripoff[l]
if n_elements(tmp)*bytes_sample ne Strip_bytes[l] then $
tmp = make_array(Strip_bytes[i]/bytes_sample, TYPE=type, /NOZERO)
readu, lun, tmp
image[width * i * rows_strip] = tmp
l = l + 1
endfor ;Each strip
if order and (bytes_sample eq 2) then BYTEORDER, image, /SSWAP
if order and (bytes_sample eq 4) then BYTEORDER, image, /LSWAP
case band of
0: r = temporary(image)
1: g = temporary(image)
2: b = temporary(image)
image = 0
endfor ;Each band
endelse ;PC = 2
if bits_sample eq 16 and keyword_set(unsigned) then begin
image = long(image)
neg = where(image lt 0, count)
if count gt 0 then image[neg] = 65536L + image[neg]
free_lun, lun
return, image